Our Peace in Kentucky

If you know anything about Kentucky, the state is renowned for Horses and Bourbon…the many horse farms, and the famous Kentucky Derby. It is also the birthplace of Bourbon, crafting 95% of the world’s supply. Kentucky is filled with great sites and attractions. But because of a series of unfortunate events, we have been stuck here for over 30 days and have seen neither.

No horse farms, no bourbon trail!!

Our focus has been elsewhere because our truck has been in the repair shop since our collision.

The first week after the wreck, we were in DISBELIEF…how in the world did this happen? What did we do wrong? What could we have done differently? By week 2, we had shifted to ARRANGE mode. We had to get the truck in for the repairs, set up the rental vehicle, and then make arrangements for someplace to stay. Our third week was the week to get SETTLED. We were contacted by a wonderful friend who offered his driveway and transportation to move Theo, and he gave us a place to be; we were finally settled. Week 4 was the COMMUNITY week. We decided we needed to be around friends and family, so we headed to Ohio in our rented Ram 1500 to an event at Atwood Lake with people who knew and loved us; we needed that encouragement.

We are now into week 5; this was our week of WAITING. We are waiting for news from the repair shop, wondering how much longer it will be, and just waiting!!!

Now Lexington is a major city in Kentucky; it is right smack dab in the middle of all things Banks. It is 15 miles south of Georgetown, where our truck is being repaired, and 25 miles south of Richmond, where our 5th wheel sits. We have been floundering around these two cities, seeking a sense of normalcy.

But what is normal for people like us who spend most of their time moving around from place to place? You would think a month of downtime would be great. But downtime could be considered a needed disruption when you plan your life around moving and traveling. Needed disruption, you ask…well, of course, the travel break has given us time to rest and reset, but it has also disrupted all the plans we had so diligently put through RV Trip Wizard. Duane had spent hours mapping and routing us to the different destinations for June and July. We had campground reservations in 6 states, and everything had to be canceled because we are in R & R mode.

The funny thing is this is exactly how life goes. You would think that, as mature adults, we would know that “plans” are just intentions or a proposal about something one wants to do. According to Proverbs 16:9, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” We have realized during this downtime that nothing surprises God; he establishes our steps, and we are so grateful that even in our present situation, HE still sees fit to provide, protect, and prepare us for things to come.

So, we haven’t visited the beautiful horse parks and farms or been on the famous Bourbon Trail. Still, we have learned much about patience, kindness, community, friendship, respect, and love.

You could say we have made peace in our new Kentucky home!!

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